Eight-Diagram Pole Fighter (1983)

Eight-Diagram Pole Fighter (1983)

Spear on Spear Fu; Spear on Nun-Chuck Fu; Santa Claus Hat Fu!

The Sisters: Hot chicks!

The Mother: Hot chick with hair and eyebrows dyed white.

Rice Ball Fu; House in the Swamp Fu; Alley Oop Fu!

A boy's best friend is his: Kung Fu Mother! (Mother shakes head.)

Where can a guy: Get a haircut around here?

Mother: the monk is rude!

You can't break rules: In front of the Budha!

Sister #8: Played by a very very young Kara Wai!

Mechanical Wolf Fu; Poles of the Righteous Fu; Splits Fu; Coffin Fu; Corpse Fu; Papoose Fu (AKA Piggy-back Fu); Knock Their Teeth Out FU!

Choreographed and directed by Liu Chia-liang AKA Lau Kar-leung (Drunken Master 2). Imo, the best choreographed and just plain best of the Shaw Brothers Kung Fu films.

I think it is also inarguably the darkest. The last 20 - 30 minutes are sadistically violent fight scenes, where it looks as though Sister #8 castrates a villain (cheers from the audience), although it is alluded to rather than shown. But they are great.

A masterpiece. Check it out on a big screen.