Wakaliwood: Who Killed Captain Alex?

Division 7: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to film John Wick 3 on a $65 budget. Oh, and add some sort of story line.

Wakaliwood: Who Killed Captain Alex?

Unknown to theatergoers outside of Uganda and Texas (apparently for political reasons, nobody wants to show movies with thousands of Africans being slaughtered. People’s Republic of Texas: "We’re good with it."), the miracle of the internet has made this feature available to everybody.

Very educational. I never knew that Uganda had a Shaolin Temple. Plenty of Kung Fu, Ghetto Fu and PooPoo Fu.

Those of you reading Shuffle’s Ozu thread have heard of the benshi, the narrator of silent movies in pre-war Japanese movie houses. This Ugandan movie has a benshi, or as they call it, a VJ or Video Joker. Sure, plenty of modern movies have narration, but it's scripted. VJ Emmie, as he is known, is outside the studio's chain of command. (He's also working on his English and rumored to be available for wedding videos, etc.)

Another rumor: The production company was invited to New York for the the opening of their latest film at MoMA, but were denied visas. I only mention this in passing because I'm tickled by the thought of all these guys showing up at the Trumpian US embassy in Kampala.

Anyway, clearly the greatest film of the Millennium.